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所有The Right Side of History的评论

来自微博用户禹金璐的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

万维钢开始解说 Ben Shapiro 的 The Right Side of History, 看见两个偶像互动总是很开心。Shapiro 说,整个西方文明,是建立在两个支柱之上。一个支柱来自耶路撒冷,也就是犹太教和基督教。圣经中说,上帝照着自己的形象造人。这句话不但埋下了人人平等的种子,而且还提出了生活的目的——人生具 ...

来自微博用户经济学人集团的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

Our #quote of the day# is from French philosopher Albert Camus. History finds him on the right side of many of the 20th century's moral issues.

来自微博用户WithEdwardKwok的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

The Right Side of History:How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great

来自微博用户杂鱼猫粮的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

If you don’t want to become orange juice you are not on the right side of the history

来自微博用户千早振_的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

太太太太slay了!以前我觉得歌手不应该参与zz,但是泰勒斯女士改变了我的想法——we should stand by the right side of history.

来自微博用户Pppppppoppiii的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

Day 11Congress is almost always the last to wake up and realize that it's on the wrong side of history. And when they do, it's always because the American public shakes them. And that's exactly what we're doing right now, as we're in this tipping point.

来自微博用户台湾论谈的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

关于两岸驻外人员互控对方动手打人的事件,看了两岸的一些报道,觉得这事更像罗生门,无法评价。我觉得为难的是斐济方面,私底下纵容#台湾# ,明面上必须on the right side of history?

来自微博用户isabellacroatia2的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

霉霉这句话我印象很深: we must be on the right side of history.

来自微博用户戀戀江蘇的评论2020-12-23 22:35:37

My heart will be with youChoosing the right side of history.


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