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Book of Songs下载

Book of Songs

  • 电子书名称:Book of Songs
  • 电子书分类:文学
  • 电子书作者:Xu Yuanzhong
  • 电子书类型:TXT/PDF
  • 信息来源:豆瓣
  • ISBN:9787507102345
  • 出版时间:1994-01
  • 出版社:China Literature Press


  • 一、《Book of Songs》是作者【Xu Yuanzhong】创作的原创小说作品!
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  • Book of Songs目录

    CONTENTS Preface Part 1 Book of Lyrics (1) SONGS COLLECTED SOUTH OF ZHOU 1. Cooing and Wooing 2. Home-Going 3. AWife 4. Married Happiness 5. Blessed with Children 6. TheNewly-Wed 7. Warriors 8. Plantain Gathering 9. A Woodcutter' s Love 10. A Wife Waiting 11. The Good Unicom (2) SONGS COLLECTED SOUTH OF ZHAO 12. The Bride 13. The Sacrifice 14. Absence 15. Sacrificial Offerings 16. The Duke ofZhao 17. 1 Accuse 18. Officials 19. Retum 20. An Old Maid 21. A Concubine 22. ADeserted Wife 54. Patriodc Baroness Mu ofXu (5) SONGS COLLECTED IN WEI 55. TheDukeofWei 56. A Happy Hennit 57. The Duke's Bride 58. A Faithless Man 59. A lovesick Fisherman 60. A Conceited Youth 61. Homeland 62. My Lord 63. A Lonely Husband 64. Gifts (6) SONGS COLLECTED IN'THE CAPITAL 65. The Ruined Capital 66. My Man Is Away 67. What Joy 68. In Garrison 69. Regret 70. Past and Present 71. Strangers 72. One day When 1 See Her Not 73. 1 Miss You 74. To a Lover (7) SONGS COLLECTED IN ZHENG 75. AGood Wife 76. Cadet My Dear 77. The Young Cadet 78. Hunting 79. Qing Wamors 80. Officer in Lamb' s Fur 81. Leave Me Not 82. Domestic Life 83. Lady Jiang 84. A Joke 85. Sing Together 86. A Handsome Guy 87. To a Seeming Lover 88. Lost Opportunity 89. A Lover' s Monologue 90. Wind and Rain 91. To a Scholar 92. Believe Me 93. My Lover in White 94. A Beautiful Lass 95. Riverside Rendezvous (8) SONGS COLLECTED IN QI 96. The Duchess' Admonition 97. Two Hunters 98. The Bridgegroom 99. Noctumal Tryst 100. Disorder 101. Incest 102. Longing 103. Hunter and Hound 104. The Duchess ofQi 105. The Duchess ofLu 106. The Archer Duke (9) SONGS COLLECTED IN WEI 107. A Well-Dressed Lady 108. A Scholar Unknown 109. A Scholar Misunderstood 110. A Homesick Soldier 111. Gathering M ulberry 112. The Woodcutter' s Song 113. To Corrupt Offidals (10) SONGS COLLECTED IN TANG 114. Enjoy the Present 115. Why Not Enjoy? 116. OurPrince 117. A Fertile Woman 118. AWedding Song 119. AWanderer 120. An Unkind Chief 121. The Peasants' Complaint 122. The Deceased Wife 123. Poverty 124. Elegy 125. Rumor (11) SONGS COLLECTED IN QIN 126. Enjoy Today 127. Winter Hunting 128. A Lord on Expedition 129. The Fair One 130. The Southem Hill 131. Burial ofThree Worthies 132. The Forgotten 133. Comradeship 134. Duke Wen ofJin 135. The Impoverished (12) SONGS COLLECTED IN CHEN 136. A Betwitching Dancer 137. Dancers 138. Contentment 139. To a Good Maiden 140. A Date 141. An Evil-Doer 142. The Evil Tongue 143. The Moon 144. The Duke's Mistress 145.A Lovesick Lady (13) SONGS COLLECTED IN GUI 146. The Lord ofGui 147. The Moumer 148. The Unconscious Tree 149. Nostalgia (14) SONGS COLLECTED IN CAO 150. The Ephemera 151. The Poor and the Rich 152. Our Good Lord 153. The Capital (15) SONGS COLLECTED IN BIN 154. Life ofPeasants 155. AMother Bird 156. A Home-Coming Warrior 157. With Broken Axe 158. Song of a Bridegroom 159. The Duke' s Retum 160. An Old Wolf Part 11 Book of Odes (16) FIRST DECADE OF ODES 161. To Guests 162. Filial Piety 163. The Envoy 164. Brotherhood 165. Friendship and Kinship 166. The Royalty 167. A Homesick Warrior 168. General Nan Zhong and His Wife 169.A Soldier's Wife 170. A Feast (17) SECOND DECADE OF ODES 171. A Drinking Song 172. Longevity 173. A Festal Song 174. A Festive Song 175. Red Bow 176. Our Good Lord 177. General Ji Fu 178. General Fang 179. Great Hunting 180. Royal Hunting (18) THIRD DECADE OF ODES 181. The Toilers 182. Early Audience 183. To Friends 184. A Garden State 185. The Minister ofWar 186. To a Guest 187. 1 Will Go Back 188. A Rejected Husband 189. Installation 190. The Herdsmen's Song (19) FOURTH DECADE OF ODES 191. To Grand Master Yin 192. Lementation 193. President Huang Fu 194. A Loyal Officer 195. Counselors 196. Reflections 197. The Banished 198. Disorder and Slander 199. A Fair-Weather Friend 200. A Eunuch' s Song to Slanderers (20) FIFTH DECADE OF ODES 201. A Castoff Woman 202. Death ofParents 203. Inequality 204. Banishment 205. Injustice 206. Don't Trouble 207. An Nostalgic Official 208. Music 209. Winter Sacrifice 210. Spring Sacrifice (21) SIXTH DECADE OF ODES 211. Harvest 212. Farm Work 213. Grand Review 214. The Princes 215. The Royal Toast 216. To the Happily-Wed 217. Family Banquet 218. TheNewly-Wed 219. Slander 220. Revelry (22) SEVENTH DECADE OF ODES 221. The King 222. Royal Favors 223. Admonition 224. An Unjust Lord 225. Men ofOld Capital 226. My Lord Not Back 227. Joumey Home 228. My Love 229. The Degraded Queen 230. Hard Joumey 231. Frugal Hospitality 232. Eastem Expedition 233. Famine 234. Poor Soldiers Part III Book of Epics (23) FIRST DECADE OF EPICS 235. Heaven's Decree 236. Three Kings of Zhou 237. The Migration in 1325 BC 238. King Wen ofZhou (fl 1123 BC) 239. Our Prince 240. King Wen's Reign 241. Rise of the House of Zhou 242. The Wondrous Park 243. King Wu (reigned 1122 -1115 BC) 244. Kings Wen and Wu (24) SECOND DECADE OF EPICS 245. Hou Ji, the Lord ofCom 246. Banquet 247. Sacrificial Ode 248. The Ancestor's Spirit 249. King Cheng (reigned 1115-1078 BC) 250. Duke Liu 251. Duke Kang of Zhao 's Admonition 252. King Cheng' s Excursion 253. Duke Zhao Mu's Advice 254. Count Fang's Censure 282. King Wu's Prayer to King Wen 283. King Cheng at King Wu' s Temple 284. Guests at the Sacrifice 285. Hymn to King Wu (28) THIRD DECADE OF HYMNS OF ZHOU 286. Elegy on King Wu 287. King Cheng's Coronation 288. King Cheng and His Ministers 289. King Cheng's Self-Critidsm 290. Cultivation ofthe Ground 291. Thanksgiving in Autumn 292. Supplementary Sacrifice 293. The Martial King 294. Hymn to King Wu 295. King Wu' s Hymn to King Wen 296. King Wu' s Progress (29) HYMNS OF LU 297. Horses 298. The Ducal Feast 299. The Marquis of Lu 300. Hymn to the Marquis of Lu (30) HYMNS OF SHANG 301. Sacrifidal Hymn to King Tang (reigned 1766-1753 BC) 302. Hymn to King Tang 303. Hymn to Kings Tang and Wu Ding 304. Rise ofthe House ofShang 305. Hymn to King Wu Ding

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