所有A Good Day的评论
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论朴施厚超话 非常的有力量??
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论mewgulf超话 1212嘉年华?: It’s a good day..... *看英翻说这里是他俩下台,工作人员忘记关麦克风,就听到哥在唱《Good day》cr:gulfiemewie Massaya戀的微博视频
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论deh最治愈的一点,对我来说,是:那些看似走投无路的困境最后都云淡风轻。很久之后我意识到这点之后,很多困扰我的东西不再那么困难了。Dear Eva Hanson, today is going to be a good day, and here's why: because at least today you are you, and that's enough.
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论i hope my king moon taeil is having a good day
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论Even on a bad day,I realize that I still have many good things in my life.
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论Today is a good day. 泉州·成功大厦
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论#朱一龙2021朱事皆宜# 888dayMake a good wish for today.Morning
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论记得是5年前初一刚军训时候每天听的最近感受:关注宏大整体的同时,一定一定别忘了关注自己(自我)的感受啊Priscilla Ahn《A Good Day (Morning Song)》网页链接(
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论今天是12月24日, 2019年Tuesday,第十九个农历冬季月份,Let's start a good day by paying attention to the weather[Too happy]~[Breeze]Xianyang is cloudy today,阴霾,The lowest temperature is -2 degrees,最高温度为5度。天气多变,冷空气即将到来,注意及时添加衣服。?
来自微博用户2020-12-23 15:51:15
的评论Everyone is a dancer of life, the most beautiful seed, worthy of the world to stand up for their own applause, because we are better than this world! ——AugieGood morning for a new day ✝️ 绿洲