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来自微博用户小蜜蜂一枚的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

京东商城网购评价:——罗马帝国衰亡史(下册)缺点:暂时还没发现缺点哦!;使用心得:吉本的。非常...。快来围观啊~ 网页链接

来自微博用户西班牙大帆猫的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13


来自微博用户Tony_Kushner的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

《罗马帝国衰亡史》下册+作者:[英]爱德华·吉本+着+黄宜思+黄雨石+译.txt - 共享资料下载 网页链接

来自微博用户東聿氷的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13


来自微博用户金色秋天5510的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

@王小东: 猜猜公公们看了会怎么说[思考]@姜奶奶是淑女: 我懒得吐槽白人!不新鲜。@新左派-民族主义:基督徒也犯下过凌迟的暴行。他们曾把一位杰出的女数学家希帕沙用牡蛎壳凌迟,然后又把还有一丝活气的残骸丢进火堆。吉本的罗马帝国衰亡史,第47章,或罗素的西方哲学史 下册 第5章。@王小东 @唐律疏议

来自微博用户野猪一九九五的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

读过《罗马帝国衰亡史(下册)》 ★★★★★ “上个月看完的。在下册里面,对莫哈默德的传记描写,我喜欢死了。” 网页链接

来自微博用户凤梨辫的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13


来自微博用户弹道有点偏的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

#分享赢1100元礼品卡#亚马逊11月大促惊喜不断,我和我的小伙伴都惊呆了,成功分享到新浪微博就有机会赢1100元礼品卡,共30个名额。分享越多,机会越大呀!活动时间2013.11.1-11.30。我刚在@亚马逊 找到了《罗马帝国衰亡史(下册)》 [平装] -... 网页链接

来自微博用户徐江微博的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

回复@张翔武:我甚爱此书的文体感,超过吉本的罗马帝国衰亡史。席代岳的译本你正好可拿来一比。我也很好奇二者高下 //@张翔武:是啊,没有出全。据说这本上册当年是一帮老专家做的,估计商务印书馆负责此事的人走掉,下册就没有出来。希望@商务印书馆 将此书出版齐全。

来自微博用户破壳是福的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

//@杜君立:[ok]//@封印的鱼1: 要签名的(上下册)。同时建议这本书要修改“错别字”等后重版。//@杜君立: //@思迅@杜君立: 这句定位式的广告语很不错啊[转发]//@封印的鱼1: 你如果读得懂《明朝那些事儿》正常。如果你读不懂《罗马帝国衰亡史》正常。如果既想读懂又能明智,请读《历史的细节》 @思迅

来自微博用户杜君立的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

[ok]//@封印的鱼1: 要签名的(上下册)。同时建议这本书要修改“错别字”等后重版。//@杜君立: //@思迅@杜君立: 这句定位式的广告语很不错啊[转发]//@封印的鱼1: 你如果读得懂《明朝那些事儿》正常。如果你读不懂《罗马帝国衰亡史》正常。如果既想读懂又能明智,请读《历史的细节》 @思迅

来自微博用户太灰狼0_0的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

读过《罗马帝国衰亡史(下册)》 ★★★★ 网页链接

来自微博用户健步如飞的走路草的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

订单号:C02-0047260-4036804,11月6号订的商务印书馆出版的罗马帝国衰亡史到现在还未送到,更坑爹的是下册送来了上册还没送来 @亚马逊

来自微博用户秋天的胖熊的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13


来自微博用户zhuth的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

第三十八章最后结尾有一些翻译错误,可参照原文: <p>The improvements of society may be viewed under a threefold aspect. 1. The poet or philosopher illustrates his age and country by the efforts of a single mind; but these superior powers of reason or fancy are rare and spontaneous productions, and the genius of Homer, or Cicero, or Newton would excite less admiration, if they could be created by the will of a prince or the lessons of a preceptor. 2. The benefits of law and policy, of trade and manufactures, of arts and sciences, are more solid and permanent; and many individuals may be qualified, by education and discipline, to promote, in their respective stations, the interest of the community. But this general order is the effect of skill and labour; and the complex machinery may be decayed by time or injured by violence. 3. Fortunately for mankind, the more useful, or, at least, more necessary arts can be performed without superior talents or national subordination; without the powers of one or the union of many. Each village, each family, each individual, must always possess both ability and inclination to perpetuate the use of fire12 [298] and of metals; the propagation and service of domestic animals; the methods of hunting and fishing; the rudiments of navigation; the imperfect cultivation of corn or other nutritive grain; and the simple practice of the mechanic trades. Private genius and public industry may be extirpated; but these hardy plants survive the tempest, and strike an everlasting root into the most unfavourable soil. The splendid days of Augustus and Trajan were eclipsed by a cloud of ignorance; and the Barbarians subverted the laws and palaces of Rome. But the scythe, the invention or emblem of Saturn,13 still continued annually to mow the harvests of Italy: and the human feasts of the Læstrygons14 have never been renewed on the coast of Campania.</p> 所谓的“筵席”其实是食人宴。

来自微博用户悦诗风眠的评论2016-10-10 10:16:13

读过《罗马帝国衰亡史(下册)》 ★★★★★ 网页链接




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