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所有Say Nothing的评论

来自微博用户音乐铺子的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

Ronan Keating《When You Say Nothing At All》现场版!太好听了 音乐铺子的微博视频

来自微博用户存在主义Keats的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

TaylorSwift超话【今日份考古】【沾沾福气】8⃣9⃣巡演纳什维尔站,Taylor Swift与历史上获格莱美奖次数最多的女艺人(28座,提名必中)Alison Krauss共同演绎了经典歌曲《When You Say Nothing At All》(电影《诺丁山》插曲) 存在主义Keats的微博视频

来自微博用户旺仔奶糖味的周深-演员Q豆豆的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

歌手周深超话 I really like it. I have nothing to say

来自微博用户Erica_Skywalker的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

刺客信条超话寻踪-AC启示录的fan art。??⚠️感觉这么些年过去,记得最清楚的还是老年E的声音欸to say nothing is true $&%@#(某希腊洗脑Malaka就不提了x

来自微博用户南一与山的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

发现阿磊唱英文越来越好听了最喜欢的三首是say something(帮唱那版), try,nothing?

来自微博用户校园励志语录的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

.We used to say nothing together, but now we are not only separated by your heart, but also those cold mobile phones, TV, computers, anyone can talk to you, and I was discharged from your heart by you.以前在一起我们无话不说,现在在一起隔着的不仅是你的心,还有那些冰冷的手机,电视 ...

来自微博用户StarTalers_星元的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

It came to my sudden realization tt u cant share someone else’ pain, cant even speak of it. U wish u could do something, say something, but in the end it s always nothing.

来自微博用户宇宙拖沓甜心的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

"The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. "

来自微博用户DannyLady-的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

Nothing to say#冒个泡#

来自微博用户墨染最有钱DAYTOY的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

The person who is worse than me has not given up, and the person who is better than me is still working hard, so I am not qualified to say that I can do nothing.No matter how the world treats you, you should be good to yourself as always. No matter when, you must be positive, bec ...

来自微博用户臭脸水果的评论2020-12-23 22:31:07

童话还是童话...睡觉?When You Say Nothing at All-Alison Krauss-专辑《Now That I've Found You》


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