所有Come as You Are的评论
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论喜提Nirvana柯本同款皮肤-红黑条纹破烂毛衣一件 来一曲有仪式感的Come As You Are 重庆·江南 建国是一只柴柴的微博视频
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论#BOOMFASHION# Crocs首次参展第三届中国国际进口博览会,并设置主题展区传达“天生自在Come As You Are”的品牌理念,鼓励中国消费者自信、舒适地做自己。本次进博会的Crocs展馆从联名款、经典克骆格(Classic)、凉鞋(Sandal)及舒适工作鞋(At WorkTM)五个陈列区域展现多样的舒适鞋款和“天生自在 ...
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论相信自己,你是最棒哒!只要你一直不停的干饭,那么你的体重就会蹭蹭蹭的往上涨,加油,干饭人,你是最胖哒!Believe in yourself, you are the best! As long as you don't stop cooking, then your weight will slowly rise, come on, cook, you are the fattest!
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论I only want to share my happiness with youI hope you can come to me one day as soon as possible。The falling maple leaves are like missingI admit that my heart has become softJust for you to come one day earlier。time
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论When the cold closes inYou are colour to the moonyou are flowers come to bloom with sweet perfumeAnd you are tender as soft summer wind冬至,安。
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论Nirvana《Come As You Are》Come As You Are(
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论“I will be here,and you will be alright.”“He is my sun,he makes me shine like diamonds.”“I can try my best as many times as I want,because you are here.”That now our dreams may finally come true.冬至是一年之中最喜欢的日子了
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论#摇滚##乐队星计划#涅槃乐队永远的经典《Come as You Are》好听爆这首歌之于摇滚界相当于Billie Jean之于流行界 乐队新奇点的微博视频
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论最早看这片,写过这些:“喜欢"Definitely, Maybe"的大都是文艺青年,大都数文艺青年都希望Will娶的是April,因为April是那种绝对会让文艺男青年喜欢的女生,可爱而独立,会带着男生去参加放Portishead的派对,会在带男生回家时放Nirvana的"Come As You Are",会自己存钱去世界各地旅行......看"Definite ...
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论吴楠THU超话 come as you are❤️
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:55:36
的评论Remember, you will be a knight to guard yourself as well as people you cherish against the evil. Come on, be strong, kid. You are the best, absolutely.