来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论说实话重新翻到这条 P5P6我自己都觉得眼花了
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论今天来分享一下我最近喜欢用到的一些彩妆NARS除了Behave以外的那两个颜色都是新出的!带点闪闪很适合秋冬的颜色? 抽奖详情
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论Asshole仍是asshloe,even behave in a gente manner。你只是在装,学正常人做正常事。脑子是猪,身体不会是人。
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论The worst part of having a mental illness is people except U to behave as if U don't...
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论#眼影盘种草# #美妆种草# 太爱这盘了!腮红眼影齐全!包装盒配色好好看~好闪好炫的绿腮红是Behave 温温柔柔的 容量真的大眼影很像但不是吉隆坡 对比一下吉隆坡的深色更紫一点浅色也更偏粉 这个盘很值得入哦~
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论Accept that life can't always be the way you want. Accept that everyone in the world can't behave the way you want them to. Accept that you can't keep everyone happy.
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论【2020每日一词】彬彬有礼“彬彬有礼”,汉语成语,原意为文质兼备的样子,后形容文雅有礼貌的样子。可以翻译为“refined and courteous; behave in a refined and civil manner; well-mannered”。
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论#乃万 你先搞清楚你扛不扛骂#管好你自己behave yourself
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论「TODAY'S INSIGHT」I seems to be resenting all males so much that I cannot pretend to show a good attitude to anybody. and in turn they behave even more disgusting.it is a dead end. I used to be good at expressing my emotion.sad story.
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:39:44
的评论修生养性真的很难,首先控制好自己的脾气就不容易,动不动就会因为一些小事生气,负能量真的很讨厌,不希望别人的负能量影响到自己,就要先从控制好自己的脾气开始,任重而道远呀,加油,时刻提醒自己behave myself!