所有The INTP的评论
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:33:23
的评论哈哈哈 难道扣熊是INTP? Here’s the questionnair, ask yourself 查看图片 //
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:33:23
的评论Intp:I know the ways to learn, but I don't want to do it.
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:33:23
的评论INTP and asexual ? tbh I believe we have a higher percentage of asexuals in INTP (or the other way around)//
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:33:23
的评论希望我的存在能给你的生活加一点蜂蜜努力做一个小太阳☀️ INTP不是传说中的the warmest machine嘛
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:33:23
的评论#阳光信用##每日一善##每日一善INtp2#加油,麋鹿!2020,stray kids everywhere all around the world !you make stray kids stay !今天又看了一遍2018MAMA,2019GDA和2019v live 颁奖stray kids的part。不禁又惊叹一次,2020,stray kids大发!!!
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:33:23
的评论You have a companion in me. I know this is not exactly what you want, but you also should see how this is giving you a safety and stability that what you desire can probably not give you. I know it is not the same, but please also see that I have been with you through thick and t ...
来自微博用户2020-12-25 10:33:23
的评论还怪好玩的 搞一下人设大方向:intpXintj, intj嘴硬心软-the coldest human,intp豆腐嘴刀子心-the warmest machine感情上intj的箭头要比intp粗一点点,实际上也基本都是intj一边嫌弃一边在给intp收拾烂摊子,但外人眼里都觉得intp好暖在倒贴自闭儿童intj,intj虽然气死了但是为了维持自己的高冷 ...