Talking to Crazy下载
- 电子书名称:Talking to Crazy
- 电子书分类:心理学
- 电子书作者:Mark Goulston
- 电子书类型:TXT/PDF
- 信息来源:豆瓣
- ISBN: 9780814436363
- 出版时间: 2015-10-21
- 出版社: AMACOM
- 一、《Talking to Crazy》是作者【Mark Goulston】创作的原创小说作品!
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来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论She was lazy!She was crazy!She was talking to the mice!好吧,我就这样的,怎么滴了
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论How can I be silent like you?and from far just looking at youI will waiting for youUntil to ask me for newsBut fuck this heart when he sees you like to talk to you But you´re like blindyou´re never talking to my crazy heartNeither hello moves emotionallyDon't burn it at ...
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论看到油管评论里的姐妹说everyone going crazy but wonho is just talking to his car哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈笑死,我要有个介车,我也“从现在起重生”
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论She was lazy!She was Crazy!She was talking to the mice!
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论She was lazy!She was Crazy!She was talking to the mice!She was hopelessly naive,so she had to pay the price。
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论Was u in the choir when u was younger? And why are talking to yourself? I thought I was only crazy one here
来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论来自微博用户2020-12-25 09:59:45
的评论I just realized that I was literally talking like a crazy person. Gosh, look what life has done to me.